• Kabala - May 2013

    May 2013 - Our first ever water well !! A new bore hole water well was provided at Kabala Amputee Camp Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/kabala-amputee-camp-primary-school/)

  • May 2013

    May 2013 - A new bore hole water well was provided at Kabala Amputee Camp Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/kabala-amputee-camp-primary-school/)

  • May 2013

    May 2013 - A new bore hole water well was provided at Kabala Amputee Camp Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/kabala-amputee-camp-primary-school/)

  • May 2013

    May 2013 - A new bore hole water well was provided at Kabala Amputee Camp Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/kabala-amputee-camp-primary-school/). Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

  • July 2013

    July 2013 - This broken well was refurbished at Newton Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/newton-primary-school-newton-village/)

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    July 2013 - This broken well was refurbished at at Newton Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/newton-primary-school-newton-village/)

  • Newton Water well after 2

    July 2013 - This broken well was refurbished at at Newton Primary school (http://www.action4schools.gi/newton-primary-school-newton-village/)

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) Children had to walk 1 kilometre to a stream where they would collect dirty water.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) Children had to walk 1 kilometre to a stream where they would collect dirty water.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) Children had to walk 1 kilometre to a stream where they would collect dirty water.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) Children had to walk 1 kilometre to a stream where they would collect dirty water.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) Children had to walk 1 kilometre to a stream where they would collect dirty water. The provision of a new well means that children will be able to drink safe, clean water from now on! Thank you for your support.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) This is the water they used to drink, wash and cook with. Dirty water! Shocked? Do something about it and support on a monthly basis, you will save lives.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary (Newton) This is the water they used to drink, wash and cook with. Dirty water! Shocked? Do something about it and support on a monthly basis, you will save lives.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary - Works underway to provide clean, safe water.

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    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary - The water well was provided with a protective wall

  • Heaven Homes School Water Well Finished March 2014

    March 2014 - Heaven Homes Primary - Children at the school will have clean, safe water for many years. Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Magbeni school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Magbeni school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Magbeni school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Magbeni school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Magbeni school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/). Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Maronka school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    April 2014 - New bore hole water well provided at Maronka school (One of EducAid's schools - http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    May 2014 - A new bore hole water well provided at Rolal school, one of Educaid's schools (http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    May 2014 - A new bore hole water well provided at Rolal school, one of Educaid's schools (http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/)

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    May 2014 - A new bore hole water well provided at Rolal school, one of Educaid's schools (http://www.educaid.org.uk/our-schools/). Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    June 2014 - (Ahmadiyya Primary school-Yele Village) Work began early June and progressed quickly

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    June 2014 (Ahmadiyya Primary school-Yele Village) The well will bring new life to the school and the community. Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    June 2014 - (Ahmadiyya Primary school-Yele Village) The hand pump being installed and the wall being built.

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    June 2014 (Ahmadiyya Primary school-Yele Village) The well will bring new life to the school and the community.

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    June 2014 (Benevolent Primary school-Yele) The drilling process is very manual in nature.

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    June 2014 (Benevolent Primary school-Yele Village) The process of drilling especially in soft clay is called " hand auguring".

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    June 2014 (Benevolent Primary school-Yele Village) The auger (drill tool) is dropped in hole, then it is turned and then pulled out until water is reached.

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    June 2014 (Benevolent Primary school-Yele Village)

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    June 2014 (Benevolent Primary school-Yele Village) The hand pump installed is the India Mark II which is easy to maintain and to service. Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    June 2014 (SLMB Primary school-Yele Village)

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    June 2014 (SLMB Primary school-Yele Village) Children eagerly looking on in anticipation.

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    June 2014 (SLMB Primary school-Yele Village) The children take an active role in the works.

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    June 2014 (SLMB Primary school-Yele Village) The children take an active role in the works.

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    June 2014 (SLMB Primary school-Yele Village) - The well will provide water for many years !

  • Newton well 30

    August 2014 - Ahmadiyya 6 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - Soil is removed by a manual process called "hand augering"

  • Newton well 3

    August 2014 - Ahmadiyya 6 mile Primary school (Newton Village) -The casing being installed

  • Newton well 14

    August 2014 - Ahmadiyya 6 mile Primary school (Newton Village) -

  • Photo 5

    August 2014 - Ahmadiyya 6 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - Clean, safe water for everyone ! Thank you for your support. Please consider setting up a regular standing order so that we can provide more wells to more schools and needy communities. Thank you.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - Works commence to find water and provide a new bore hole well to over 400 children and the community.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - The work needs a lot of energy and teamwork from the men.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - Water !

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - The casing is installed and digging continues.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - A cement apron and wall are built around the site.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - A cement apron and wall are built around the site.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - The India Mark II pump being tested.

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    September 2014 - Ahmadiyya 4 mile Primary school (Newton Village) - Water is life, please help us provide more wells to many more schools, thank you for your support!

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    September 2014 - Samuyu School - Newton Village

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    September 2014 - Samuyu School - Newton Village

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    September 2014 - Samuyu School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Saleo School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Saleo School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Saleo School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Saleo School - Newton Village - Another new water well provided. Please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can bring safe, clean water to many more schools like this one, your support will make a difference 100% guaranteed. Thank you! Bank details are at the bottom of this page.

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    October 2014 - Almans School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Almans School - Newton Village

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    October 2014 - Almans School - Newton Village

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    August 2015 - Pate Bana School (Makeni) Please consider setting up a monthly standing order to help us bring clean water to more needy schools.

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    August 2015 - Pate Bana School (Makeni) Please consider setting up a monthly standing order to help us bring clean water to more needy schools.

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    August 2015 - Pate Bana School (Makeni) Please consider setting up a monthly standing order to help us bring clean water to more needy schools.

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    June 2016 - St Antony's School is attended by close to 3000 children on a shift basis and they were desperate for a clean, safe source of water.

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    June 2016 - St Anthony's School - Before the water well was provided the school collected water from the rusty roof or from a dirty stream.

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    June 2016 - St Anthony's School - Dirty water was collected by children before the water well was provided, great to see this scene will no longer be repeated.

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    June 2016 - Works under way to provide a water well.

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    Sept 2016 - St Anthony's school - The children returned to school in September after the Summer break and they were overjoyed to see that a new water well had been provided !

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    Sept 2016 - St Anthony's school - The children returned to school in September after the Summer break and they were overjoyed to see that a new water well had been provided !

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    Sept 2016 - St Anthony's school - Thank you for your support and for providing another needy school with clean, safe water for everyone !! Please consider setting up a monthly standing order to bring more wells to more schools...

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    Nov 2016 - Yegesie School, Makeni - The water source before we provided the water well

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    Nov 2016 - Yegesie School, Makeni

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    Nov 2016 - Yegesie School, Makeni

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    In 2017 we provided 26 water wells to over 2500 children

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    In 2017 we provided 26 water wells to over 2500 children

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    In 2017 we provided 26 water wells to over 2500 children

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    In 2018 we provided 20 water wells to over 8000 children

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    In 2018 we provided 20 water wells to over 8000 children

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    In 2018 we provided 20 water wells to over 8000 children

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    Often we find the source of water is contaminated and unsafe, water well bring life to the schools and communities that we serve and help save lives - thank you for your amazing support !

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    In 2019 we provided 18 water wells to over 7,000 children

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    In 2019 we provided 18 water wells to over 7,000 children

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    In 2019 we provided 18 water wells to over 7,000 children

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    September 2020 - Water Well 64 - Songo School and Community (Jake-s Well) http://www.action4schools.gi/coronavirus-book-jake-torres/

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    Front Page Gibraltar Chronicle 28th September 2020 http://www.action4schools.gi/coronavirus-book-jake-torres/

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    Front Page Gibraltar Chronicle 28th September 2020 http://www.action4schools.gi/coronavirus-book-jake-torres/

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    October 2020 - Water well No. 65 - Redemption Nursery, First and Secondary schools - Makolor, Port Loko

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    October 2020 - Water well No. 65 - Redemption Nursery, First and Secondary schools - Makolor, Port Loko

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    October 2020 - Water Well 65 - Redemption Nursery, First and Secondary Schools Makoloh Junction (Port Loko District)

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    October 2020 - Water well No. 67 - Little Angels Nursery - Western Area Rural Dstrict

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    October 2020 - Water well No. 67 - Little Angels Nursery - Western Area Rural Dstrict

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    December 2020 - Water Well 68 - Goodrich Waldorf School

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    December 2020 - Water Well 68 - Goodrich Waldorf School

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    December 2020 - Water Well 68 - Goodrich Waldorf School

  • Water Well 69

    May 2021 - Water Well 69 - WCSL Primary School, Mamabala, Bombali District

  • Water Well 70

    June 2021 - Water Well 70 - Majaga Village Community Well - Bombali District

  • Water Well 71

    July 2021 - Water Well 71 - Harieelin Academy Primary School, Macomba Village, Western Rural District

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    July 2021 - Water Well 72 - SDA Primary School- Rotopri Mile 38

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    July 2021 - Water Well 72 - SDA Primary School- Rotopri Mile 38

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    July 2021 - Water Well 73 - Muhammad Islamic Primary School- Crossing Community (Western Rural District)

  • Water Well 74

    July 2021 - Water Well 74 (Mokandor) WELLFOUND PROJECT

  • Well 75

    July 2021 - Water Well 75 - Mosankone Primary School (Moyamba) WELLFOUND PROJECT

  • Water Well 76

    July 2021 - Water Well 76 - UMC Primary School in Mokelleh (Moyomba)

  • Howard Measham & Jimmy Bruzon 29th October 2021

    October 2021 (Founder of Action4schools-Sierra Leone) and Howard Measham (Founder of Wellfound UK) met in Gibraltar and Action4schools pledged to fund 10 new water wells at Wellound sites at a cost of £25,000

  • Kwama School

    Water Well 77 ! Kwama School Teacher's Quarters - February 2022

  • Water Well 78 !

    Water well 78 ! Tineyi International School, New Jersey Angola Town, Freetown - February 2022

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    Water Well 79 was funded by OHS Gibraltar - Marampa Academy School (900 pupils)

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    Water well 80 was funded by the Specialist Medical Clinic Gibraltar at Peace Village School (800 pupils)

  • Water Well 82 Private Donation

    Water Well 82 was funded by a private anonymous donation

  • Water Well 83

    Water well 83 was funded by ARB Australia

  • Water Well 87 Bassadone Automotive Group

    Water Well 88 was funded by the Bassadone Automotive - this was their 15th water well !

  • Water Well 99 funded by Turicum Private Bank

    Water Well 89 funded by Turicum Private Bank Gibraltar

  • Water Well 99 funded by Generous Hearts Charity Gibraltar

    Water Well 99 funded by Generous Hearts Charity Gibraltar

  • Water Well 100 GBC Open Day Trust

    We have reached our 100th water well, this latest milestone well was funded by GBC Open Day Trust - thank you Gibraltar !

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    Water well 101 was funded by Piranha Designs Gibraltar - thank you PDG !

  • World Water Day 2024 AQUAGIB 1

    Water Well 102 funded by AQUAGIB Gibraltar's water company !

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    Thank you AQUAGIB for this latest water project, changing so many lives !!

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    Water Well 103 was funded by St Joseph's Upper Primary School, in Gibraltar - thank you !

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    Water Well 104 was funded in the memory of Lola who passed away at 104 - thank you !

  • Water Well 105

    Water Well 105 was funded in memory of Brian who sadly passed away in 2023 - thank you !

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    Water Well 106 was funded by XYLEM a water company based in Madrid, Spain - thank you !

Water Well Projects (Started 2013)

108 wells funded so far !!!

100,000+ children have been provided clean safe water since 2013 thanks to YOU !!!



Banner 100th Water Well GBC Open Day 2023

Water well 81 was funded by St Paul's First school Gibraltar (900 pupils)

Water well 81 was funded by St Paul’s First school Gibraltar (900 pupils)

Water well 80 was funded by the Specialist Medical Clinic Gibraltar at Peace Village School (800 pupils)

Water well 80 was funded by the Specialist Medical Clinic Gibraltar at Peace Village School (800 pupils)


Funded by OHS Gibraltar - Marampa Academy School (900 pupils)

Funded by OHS Gibraltar – Marampa Academy School (900 pupils)

Water well 78 ! Tineyi International School, New Jersey Angola Town, Freetown - February 2022

Water well 78 ! Tineyi International School, New Jersey Angola Town, Freetown – February 2022

Ware well 77 !Kwama School Teacher's Quarters - February 2022

Water well 77 !Kwama School Teacher’s Quarters – February 2022

July 2021 - Water Well 76 - UMC Primary School in Mokelleh (Moyomba)
July 2021 – Water Well 76 – UMC Primary School in Mokelleh (Moyomba)

NEW WATER WELLS COST £2,500 each !!

Water Well Appeal Premium Number

call 8601 now!

With your support we have provided clean, safe water to 100+ schools since May 2013 at a cost of around £250,000 …..



100,000+ needy people !!!

Please support our water well appeal, we need to raise £2,500 to provide a new water well to a needy school in Sierra Leone. We will raise one pound every time you call 8601 – thank you for your support !  *** Calls Cost £1 – Mobile Surcharges Apply – Please seek bill payer’s permission before calling ***

WELL No. 1 – May 2013
We provided a new bore hole water well at Kabala Amputee Camp Primary School (http://www.action4schools.gi/kabala-amputee-camp-primary-school/)

PIPE WATER PROJECT – September 2013
We connected Church of Christ Primary school in Regent to the local water supply company (Guma Water) in order for them to have access to clean, safe water on a permanent basis and provided a 1000 litre water tank tower (http://www.action4schools.gi/church-of-christ/)

WELL No. 2 – March 2014
We provided a new bore hole water well at Heaven Homes Primary School (http://www.heaven-homes.org/)

WELLS No. 3-4-5 – May 2014
We provided three new bore hole water wells at EducAid schools (http://www.educaid.org.uk/) in

  • Magbeni
  • Maronka
  • Rolal

WELLS No. 6-7-8 – July 2014
We provided three new bore hole water wells in Yele Village for the following Primary schools:

  • SLMB Primary school
  • Ahmadiyya Primary school
  • Benevolent Primary school

WELLS No. 9-10-11-12-13 – October 2014
We provided new bore hole water wells at the following schools in Newton Village:

  • Ahmadiyya 4 Mile Primary School (Newton Village) – approx. 400 pupils
  • Saleo Primary & Secondary School
  • Ahmadiyya 6 Mile Primary School (approx. 200 pupils)
  • Samuyu Primary School (Newton Village)
  • Almans Islamic Secondary School (Newton Village)

WELL No. 14 August 2015 Funded by LOL Productions Gibraltar
We provided a new bore hole water well at the Pate Bana Junior School (Makeni)

WELL No. 15 – September 2016
We provided a water well at St Anthony’s school in Brookfields, Freetown. This school is attended by close to 3,000 pupils on a shift basis and they were in desperate need of access to clean water.

WELL No. 16 – October 2016
We provided a water well at the Yegesie University Academy in Makeni.

WELL No. 17 – January 2017
We provided a water well at the Annie Caulkner Memorial School in Waterloo

WELL No. 18 – February 2017
We provided a new water well at a WCSL Primary Schools, Masongbo Loko, Makeni

WELL No. 19 – March 2017
We provided a new water well at Lewabu School in Bo Funded by AQUAGIB Gibraltar

WELL No. 20 – July 2017
We provided a new water well at the New Apostolic Church Primary School in Kenema

WELL No. 21 – July 2017
We provided a new water well at the Church of Christ Primary School in Kenema

WELL No. 22 – July 2017
We provided a new water well at Maborkondor Primary School in Newton

We connected three primary schools in Regent (Saio Primary, Joy Primary & God’s Army Primary) to the local water supply company (Guma Water) in order for them to have access to clean, safe water on a permanent basis.

WELL No. 23 – January 2018
We provided a new water well at Safinatu Nur Primary & Secondary School (Waterloo)
Funded by LOL Productions Gibraltar (www.facebook.com)

WELL No. 24 – January 2018
We provided a new water well at Sierra Leone National Congress Primary & Secondary School (Waterloo – Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 25 – January 2018
We provided a new water well at Fogbo Community Junior Primary & Secondary School (Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 26 – June 2018
Heaven Homes – Orphanage School (Newton)

WELL No. 27 – February 2018
Jesus is the Answer High School (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 28 – February 2018
SLMB Mile 91 (Tonkolili District)

WELL No. 29 – March 2018
Amfaj Junior & Senior School (Tombo-Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 30 – March 2018
Yealma International School (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 31 – April 2018

Amadious International Academy (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 32 – April 2018
Bringing Brotherhood School (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 33 – April 2018
Reform Primary School (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 34 – May 2018
Amadiyyah Primary School (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 35 – May 2018
Brown Penn (Waterloo & Western Area Rural)

WELL No. 36 – July 2018
Church of God Primary School (Port Loko-Mile 38)

WELL No. 37 – July 2018
Debrugsal Primary School (Western Rural-Benguema)

WELL No. 38 – July 2018
Gem & Malimba Primary School (Western Rural-Mabureh)

WELL No. 39 – July 2018
Makorwor Community Primary School (Bombali)

WELL No. 40 – July 2018
Roman Catholic Primary School (Bombali)

WELL No. 41 – July 2018
Rogbaray Primary School (Bombali)

WELL No. 42 – July 2018
Evangelical Model Primary School (Port Loko-Bandasirma)

WELL No. 43 May 2019
Gagiwah Community Primary School (Gagiwah-Bombali)

WELL No. 44 May 2019
SLMB Primary School (Kanglaba-Bombali)

WELL No. 45 May 2019
Kanglaba Agricultural Secondary School (Kanglaba-Bombali)

WELL No. 46 May 2019
RC Primary School Maforay (Kanglaba-Bombali)

WELL No. 47 July 2109
All Nation Primary & Secondary Schools (Matindi-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 48  July 2019
Merilyn Junior High School (Samuel Town-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 49 July 2019
REC Infant Primary School (Jui-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 50 July 2019
Access International Academy (Limba Corner Rokel-Western Rural)

WELL No. 51 August 2019
Fatima Zahara Preparatory School (Jui-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 52 August 2019
Moses Academy School (Deepeye Water-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 53 August 2019
Comprehensive Academy School Rokel (Limba Corner Rokel-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 54 August 2019
Constance Cole School (Deepeye Watern-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 55 September 2019
Future Hope International Academy (Pentergo Limba Corner Rokel-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 56 September 2019
Leone International Academy Preparatory (Limba Corner Rokel-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 57 September 2019
N’baltal International Academy Preparatory (Deep Water Eye-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 58 October 2019
Genesis International Academy (Macdonald Village-Western Rural District)

WELL No. 59 September 2019
Goshen Academy School (Rokel – Western Rural District)

WELL No. 60 December  2019
SLMC Primary School (Marute – Rokel Western Rural District)

WELL No. 61 January 2020
UMC Primary School – Mopailha Village – (Moyamba Scarborough Chiefdom) Wellfound Well Site

WELL No. 62 January 2020
Bonda Village School and Community (Moyamba Scarborough Chiefdom) Wellfound Well Site 

WELL No. 63 July 2020
Makombeh Village School and Community (Port Loko District) www.stichtingmakombeh.nl/algemeen/projecten

WELL No. 64 September 2020
(Jake’s Well – http://www.action4schools.gi/coronavirus-book-jake-torres/)
Funded by Jake Torres, Gibraltar
Roman Catholic Primary school, Songo (Port Loko District)

WELL No. 65 September 2020
Redemption Nursery, First and Secondary Schools Makoloh Junction (Port Loko District)

WELL No. 66 October 2020
Escario Pascual Primary School (Western Rural District)

WELL No. 67 October 2020
Little Angels School Junction (Port Loko District)

WELL No. 68 December 2020
Goodrich Waldorf Primary (Western Rural District – Rokel)

WELL No, 69 – May 2021 Family donation V.P. 
WCSL Primary School, Mamabala, Bombali District

WELL No, 70 – June 2021 Funded by the Olivares Family, Gibraltar (The Jewel Box)
Majaga Village Community Well, Bombali District

Well No. 71 – June 2021 Family donation J.C. (Gibraltar)
Harieelin Academy Primary School, Macomba Village, Western Rural District

Well No. 72 – July 2021
SDA Primary School Rotopri Mile 38 (Port Loko – Rotopri Mile 38)

Well No. 73 – July 2021
Muhammas Islamic Primary School – Crossing Community (Wester Rural District)

Well No. 74 – July 2021
MDE Primary School, Mokandor, Moyomba) Wellfound Well Site

Well No. 75 – July 2021
Mosankone Primary School, Mosankone, Moyomba Wellfound Well Site

Well No. 76 – July 2021
UMC Primary School, Mokelleh, Moyomba Wellfound Well Site

Well No. 77 – February 2022
Kwama School – Teacher’s Quarters (Northern Province Western Area)

Well No. 78 – February 2022 Funded by a retired teacher – Bayside School (Gibraltar)
Tineyi International School, New Jersey, Angola Town, Freetown

Well No. 79 – March 2022 Funded by Occupational Health Services (Gibraltar)
Marampa School, Mabrown Community, Western Rural District

Well No. 80 – February 2022 Funded by Specialist Medical Clinic (Gibraltar)
Peace Village School, Mile 91, Tonkolili District

Well No. 81 – June 2022 Funded by St Paul’s First School (Gibraltar)
REC Committee Primary School, Kpoubu, Newton

Well No. 82 – June 2022 Family donation V.R. (Gibraltar)
Gbonjema Village Community 1, Moyomba Wellfound Well Site

Well No. 83 – June 2022 Funded by ARB AUSTRALIA ARB 4×4 Accessories – Your partner in adventure
Mosanti Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 84 – June 2022 Funded by a retired teacher – Bayside School (Gibraltar)
Gbonjema Village Community 2, Moyomba Wellfound Well Site

Well 85 – July 2022 Funded by the Cruz Family (Gibraltar)
Mohantaneh Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 86 – July 2022 Family donation, P.M. (Gibraltar)
Lipalai Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 87 – July 2022 Funded by the Toyota Gibraltar Workshop Team (Gibraltar)
Mosam Primary School, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 88 – July 2022 Funded by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings (Gibraltar)
Rontoke Orphanage School, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 89 – August 2022 Funded by Turicum Private Bank (Gibraltar)
Moyibo Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 90 – August 2022 Funded by EY (Gibraltar)
Ngeihum Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 91 – August 2022 Funded by the Trico Family (Gibraltar)
91 Mosawa Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 92 – September 2022 Funded by family donation I.C. (Gibraltar)
Mosawa Village Community, Moyamba Wellfound Well Site

Well 93 – September 2022 Funded family donation V.P. (Gibraltar)
Christ Chapel Preparatory School, Western Rural District

Well 94 & 95 – October 2022 Funded by Church on the Rock (Gibraltar)
Sierra Leone International Mission School, Western Rural District

Well 96 – September 2022 Funded by Church on the Rock (Gibraltar)
Makambie Village (Port Loko District)

Well 97 – September 2022 Funded by Wastage Products Limited (Gibraltar)
Limba Corner #2-4 Mile Village (Western Rural District)

Well 98 – November 2022 Funded by family donation V.P. (Gibraltar)
Aleeyalis Turning Point Academy 3 Mile (Western Rural District)

Well 99 – November 2022 Funded by Generous Hearts Charity (Gibraltar)
Companero Avenue Drive (Western Rural District)

Well 100 – December 2022 Funded by GBC OPEN DAY TRUST (Gibraltar)
Omega Outreach Ministries School (Newton, Western Rural District)

Well 101 – 2023 Funded by Piranha Designs Gibraltar
Moyibo 2 Village, Moyamba

Well 102 – 2023 Funded by AQUAGIB (second well donation)
Mokolor Village – Moyamba

Well 103 – 2023 Funded by St Joseph’s Upper Primary School
Robekeh Village – Moyamba

Well 104 – 2023 Private donation in memory of Lola
Mojana Village – Moyamba

Well 105 – 2023 Private donation in memory of Brian
Momaya Village – Moyamba

Well 106 – 2023 Funded XYLEM Spain (in partnership with Wastage Products Gibraltar)
Tengbelor Village – Moyamba

Well 107 – 2023  Private donation Mr & Mrs B H
Bandajuma Village – Moyamba

Well 108 – 2023 ARB Australia (second well donation)
Mosawa Village – Moyamba

Well 109 – 2023 AM Capurro (www.capurro.gi)
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 110 – 2023 LOL Productions (second well donation) 
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 111 – 2023 Private Donation DM EZKA
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 112 – 2023 Private donation Mrs T M
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 113 – 2023 TGS Workshop & Warehouse (second donation)
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 114 – 2023 To be confirmed)
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

Well 115 – 2023 IBEX Insurance Gibraltar
Moyamba – Site to be confirmed

We have big plans to provide new water wells during the coming years – many thanks for your support, please consider setting up a monthly standing order to help us reach more needy children.

September 2020 - A dream come true for Jake Torres and for the children of RC Primary school in Songo - a new water well !

September 2020 – A dream come true for Jake Torres and for the children of RC Primary school in Songo – a new water well !




Thank you for supporting our water projects, please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that

we can bring clean, safe water to many more needy children. “Action turns hope into reality” –

EACH WATER WELL COSTS £2,500 – thank you for your support !

Bank: NatWest, Gibraltar
Account Number: 48084352
Sort Code: 60-60-60

Most of the water wells that we have funded in Sierra Leone have been drilled by our partners “Water4Foundation” http://www.water4.org/ and Our Team – Water4
Please contact them directly if you would like to find out more about their work and how they may be able to help your projects, they work in various African countries info@water4.org

We have also worked closely with Wellfound UK WellFound
Please contact them directly if you would like to find out more about their work and how they may be able to help your projects, they work in various African countries contact@wellfound.org.uk