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Welcome to Action 4 Schools

Last updated 26th September 2024


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Latest news….

September: We funded an operation that was urgently needed for a teacher at one of Educaid’s schools (private donor)

September: We funded the purchase of teaching materials and hygiene kits at Advance Orphanage School, Makeni (private donor)

Hygiene kits delivered to Advance Orphanage School, Makeni - Sept. 2024

Hygiene kits delivered to Advance Orphanage School, Makeni – Sept. 2024

Teaching materials  delivered to Advance Orphanage School, Makeni - Sept. 2024

Teaching materials delivered to Advance Orphanage School, Makeni – Sept. 2024


The Advantage Insurance raffle raised over £7,000 enough to fund two new water well projects - thank you Advantage Insurance team !

The Advantage Insurance raffle raised over £8,000 enough to fund two new water well projects – thank you Advantage Insurance team !

Raffle draw was held on the 27th June at The Waterfront Restaurant, in total the raffle raised over £8000 !!!

Amazing amount raised which will be used to provide two new water wells in Moyamba, Sierra Leone!


Want to make a difference, you can !

Want to make a difference, you can !

AQUAGIB Gibraltar has funded water well No. 102 !!

Thank you AQUAGIB for this water project, changing so many lives !!


Together we have now provided 104 water wells – thank you Gibraltar, your generosity knows no limits !

Together we have changed over 100,000 lives in Sierra Leone ! 


Latest water well donors…..WELLFOUND UK partnership
(Moyamba District)

Well 100   GBC Open Day 
Well 101   
Piranha Designs Gibraltar

Well 102   AQUAGIB Gibraltar
Well 103   St Joseph’s Upper Primary Gibraltar
Well 104   Lola’s Well Private donation Gibraltar
Well 105   Brian’s well Private donation Gibraltar
Well 106   Xylem Spain
Well 107   BH Well Private donation Gibraltar
Well 108   ARB Australia
Well 109   AM Capurro Gibraltar
Well 110   LOL Productions Gibraltar
Well 111   EZKA Well DM Private Donation
Well 112   TM (Private Donation) Gibraltar
Well 113   TGS Workshop & Warehouse Gibraltar
Well 114   Xylem Spain
Well 115   IBEX Insurance
Well 116   Advantage Insurance Gibraltar
Well 117   Advantage Insurance Gibraltar
Well 118   HR (Private donation)

Water wells are provided by Wellfound UK Charity and maintained regularly ensuring the sustainability and success of the projects !  Link to website: WellFound

Hernia Project
We have funded over 250 hernia operations at Masanga Hospital, Holy Spirit Hospital and Kenema Government Hospital for young patients and adults – please consider setting up a standing order today… just £10 a month will change a life and may even save a life!

Masanga Hospital - Hernia Patients - March 2023

Masanga Hospital – Hernia Patients – March 2023

With your help we funded over 100 hernia operations during 2022 - thank you !

With your help we funded over 100 hernia operations during 2022 – thank you !

We sponsored our first ever umbilical operation for a child in January 2022 since then we have funded over 250 operations with your support !

Umbilical hernias are very common in Sierra Leone and are mainly due to low birth weight and premature births.
Umbilical hernia operations are simple procedures which have a huge impact on patients’ lives.
They cost on average £120 – yes only £120 !

Hernias go untreated due to lack of income and they worsen with time becoming unsightly, uncomfortable and dangerous as part of the intestine protrudes through the wall of the cavity around the umbilicus.

NHS UK Information on umbilical hernia operations:

Operations only cost £120 – please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can fund more life changing and life saving operations ! People are too poor to pay for such operations and children often have to suffer the consequences of these uncomfortable. painful and potentially dangerous hernias. Parents cannot afford to pay for the operations and in many cases children affected are orphans.

Thank you for your support – you are changing and saving lives !!
We have funded over 250 hernia operations since January 2022 – thank you !



World Water Day 2023

Video: GBC – Gibraltar News – GBC TV and Radio Gibraltar



Water Well Projects

 We have provided 100+ water wells and reached  over 100,000+ needy people !

Help us make a long term difference by setting up a bank standing order today….

NatWest Bank
Action4schools-Sierra Leone

Account Number 48084352
Sort Code 60-60-60

If you would like to make a regular difference, please consider setting up a monthly standing order.

Please don’t wait for others to do it, “action turns hope into reality”

Action4schools-Sierra Leone
Account 48084352 –
Sort Code 60-60-60

We will turn your financial support into real, positive change, 100% guaranteed



We spend every penny raised on direct support to provide water wells, build schools, provide medical care and bring hope to poor communities.

Since the charity was born we have travelled to Sierra Leone once (2012), having modern technology and strong partnerships means we do not need to travel to the projects.

100% of the money raised is used for direct assistance to the most needy.



A big thank you goes out to all our corporate sponsors and to all those private donors who have set up a monthly bank standing order - thank you !!

A big thank you goes out to all our corporate sponsors and to all those private donors who have set up a monthly bank standing order – thank you !!

Message from our founder –


“One day we will all go from here…. when it is my turn I want to go knowing I thought about and DID something about others who had a rough ride during their lifetime”
Jimmy Bruzon, Founder

The estimated investment in Sierra Leone through medical sponsorship programs, water wells and school building  projects since 2006 is a staggering £500,000 and this amount has been raised by our charity through the kindness and generosity of the people of Gibraltar.

Philip Sesay has worked tirelessly since 2012 in aid of needy children and communities - the Mayor's Award is shared with him. Philip is an amazing humanitarian and has made such a difference to so many lives in Sierra Leone. Thank you Philip and congratulations ! Tenki, tenki tenki !

Philip Sesay has worked tirelessly since 2012 in aid of needy children and communities. Philip is an amazing humanitarian and has made such a difference to so many lives in Sierra Leone. Thank you Philip and congratulations ! Tenki, tenki tenki !

This is a team journey and every single one of you is important, without your incredible support nothing of what we have achieved together as a team would have been possible. I take this opportunity to thank you all for your amazing generosity and support and I encourage you all to keep making a difference, to keep saving and changing lives by getting into action… into Action4schools. Thank you Gibraltar from the bottom of my heart. “


Recent Projects

Future Fundraising

  1. Water Well Appeal – Call 8601 and donate £1

    January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2024
  2. Football Field and Sports Ground

    January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024

Future Fundraising

  1. Water Well Appeal – Call 8601 and donate £1

    January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2024
  2. Football Field and Sports Ground

    January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024
  3. Hernia Operations

    January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024