We are always looking for supporters to get involved and do some “action4schools”!
There are so many different ways of fundraising, please contact info@action4schools.gi or call us on 57631000 if you would like to organise a fundraiser for our school projects, we will be pleased to support you and will GET INVOLVED if YOU GET INVOLVED!
We need volunteers to assist with fundraising activities, no action = no progress. Thank you for getting involved and volunteering. Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets, help with the running and organisation of events etcetera… your efforts are welcome and will always make a difference.
We are keen to work together with schools, clubs and associations who may be keen to offer volunteers for our events or establish closer links in terms of fundraising. We are also keen in particular to raise awareness throughout the schools and encourage both the staff and pupils of local schools to participate actively in our fundraising activities or do their own fundraisers to raise funds for our school projects.
We love the phrase “students4students” and are pleased to see that pupils have got involved to raise funds. Middle school pupils, GCSE students, A Level students and even University students have raised significant amounts through various means such as cake stalls, chocolate stalls, parties and events.
If you are a member of a club or association and wish to organise a fundraiser do please contact us and we will be more than happy to support you and GET INVOLVED if YOU GET INVOLVED!
“Action turns hope into reality“, be part of the team which brings positive change, GET INVOLVED, you will make a difference 100% guaranteed !!