Hernia Operations
Hernia Operations
We sponsored our first ever umbilical operation for a child in January 2022 and the operation was carried out at Masanga Hospital, it was a success !
Masanga Hospital – Healthcare, Education, Research
We have funded 250+ hernia operations since January 2022
We have funded operations at the following hospitals:
Masanga Hopsital
ADRA Hospital, Waterloo
Holy Spirit Hospital, Makeni
Kenema Government Hospital
Umbilical hernias are very common in Sierra Leone and are mainly due to low birth weight and premature births. Umbilical hernia operations are relatively simple procedures which have a huge impact on patients’ lives.
Children’s hernias go untreated due to lack of family income and they worsen with time becoming unsightly, uncomfortable and dangerous to the child’s health (part of the intestine protrudes through the wall of the cavity around the umbilicus).
NHS UK Information on umbilical hernia operations:
Umbilical hernia repair – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
In this case the girl who had the sponsored operation was a 9 year old girl from Regent, her name is not real but her case is very real indeed like so many others who suffer needlessly. Below you can see the “before” and “after” photos.
Operations only cost £120 – (yes only £120 !!!) please consider setting up a monthly standing order so that we can fund more life changing and life saving operations ! People are too poor to pay for such operations and children often have to suffer the consequences of these uncomfortable and potentially dangerous hernias, operating and removing an hernia is life changing,,,, leaving them as they are are life threatening.
We have many children from the Regent area that need urgent umbilical hernia operations and we need your help to fund these !!
Parents cannot fund them and some of the children involved are orphans.
Hernia Operations (£120 each)
Please don’t wait for others to do it, “action turns hope into reality”
See below proof of what positive action and regular £££ support does……………

We have partnered with Masanga Hospital to bring more joy and improve lives for needy children – please continue to support our work ! Thank you !

Photo of Aminata’s (not real name) hernia operation wound healing nicely after two weeks. How many more Aminatas are there out there that need hernia operations.. ? Lets help them, lets make it better !
THANK YOU – want to make a difference… ? YOU CAN
Please don’t wait for others to do it, “action turns hope into reality”
Action4schools-Sierra Leone
Account 48084352 – Sort Code 60-60-60
We will turn your financial support into real, positive change, 100% guaranteed – scroll up for proof !